Friday 16 September 2005

Hold music

Ok, now I'm all fired up. Who is allowed to make these sorts of decisions and why do the rest of us have to suffer? Of course I'm talking about hideous hold music. Yes, I'm talking about you Next. What is that horrible thing, like some acoustic guitar bubbling fantasy or something. God, I have to put the phone down on the table to get away from it and even that's too close. I can still hear some of the evil bubbling. And why does it have to be the same awful song each time. Couldn't you even spring for maybe even 2 or 3 other ones. I'm sure they will still suck but at least there would be a variety to the pain inflicted.

I used to work at one company that was pretty cool. We rotated through people who could bring in cds for the week for the hold music. Ok, maybe using the Best of the Brady Bunch was too much, but maybe some people enjoyed it. But is it any less painful then using acoustic hell songs? One of the divisions of the company was named Stingray and they were pretty cool because they used the theme song for the old Stingray tv show. It was actually kind of nice getting put on hold, a groovy rocking sort of surf song.