Monday, 20 February 2006

What'cha talking about Willis

Perhaps I'm a bad geek but I just don't get it or should that be IT? Maybe it is funnier if you watch it on the web or something, but I've watched, I think, four episodes of the IT Crowd so far as they have come on Channel 4 and so far I haven't found it more than mildly amusing. As I understand, there is some sort of connection to Nathan Barley, actors or creator or something, and I actually liked that show.

But I'm unclear why there is so much praise for this show though. Is it just because it is about computer geeks? You have to cheer for the home team even if they suck? Sorry, most of the time I can't say that I've laughed at any episode more than maybe once or twice. I wonder if Channel 4 isn't all that excited either since they usually repeat things on E4, and it has been listed in the tv guide but then they show something else instead.

So, what is the best sitcom on now? Sadly, the new season of Arrested Development hasn't made it here yet (I've had to use other means to see it) and since it is being canceled, maybe it won't make it here at all. Granted the third season hasn't been nearly as good as the brilliance of the first one and somewhat of the second, but still it is the best thing on on either side of the ocean.

People seem to be over Little Britain which is good because I didn't get that one either. Sure the concept is funny, or the character concepts are, but after the 2nd or 3rd time the guy in the wheelchair gets out when the other guy isn't looking or any of the other one joke characters do the same thing over and over, well you get the idea. A second season of that, umm yeah thanks.

So far this year I'm liking the American import My Name Is Earl which has been pretty consistently good. I enjoyed the second season of Nighty Night, which was pretty sick, although I hear the first season was much better. Peep Show was rather good. Extras was pretty good too. And Kath and Kim, an import from Australia. I think there is a new batch of things starting soon on BBC3, so I'll have to see how they are. I guess I've learned though that anything on BBC1 on Friday night is pretty lame. I guess it is all along the line of the TGIF sort of family friendly line up, mostly not very funny and kind of lame. And there is that other one, Hyperdrive, I suppose trying to be Red Dwarf, which I made it through maybe one and a half episodes before I gave up. Hmm, does Footballers' Wives count as a sitcom, it is kind of funny in a really weird way.

1 comment:

Deviled Hampton said...

i hardly watch any tv anymore, but i'll second that on "my name is earl." best show in years.

also, the american version of "the office" is turning out to be really good as well. outside of that...