Thursday, 28 June 2007

The boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider

So, I did something today that I never do. I was supposed to tape a segment for somebody, so I watched GMTV. God, I feel about 5-10% stupider because of it. It is amazing just how little actual content (oops, almost typed 'news' there) there is in 2 1/2 hours. I would be surprised if there was more than 20 minutes of actual unique stuff in the whole thing. Everything is repeated about five times. Well, at least they got so badly burned recently by their 0900 contest scams that they weren't pushing that at all anymore.

The top story, ok, there were brief blurbs about some soldiers getting killed in Iraq and the same footage over and over of an old lady and her flooded house, but it was all Spice Girls. It must have been at least 15 minutes total devoted to the announcement not that they have decided to get back together but that there might be an announcement today that they might get back together. And then apparently there is some new person in government or Parliament or something like that too in the news, but back to the Spice Girls. Oh, and some tennis player at Wimbledon has red shorts on.

And then on top of that, they didn't actually show the segment I was supposed to have taped.

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