Wednesday 23 July 2008

Read all about it, read all about it, news of the world

Wow, it is quite exhausting being unemployed. Too many things to do. Just back from a lovely swim at the lido, nice that I can do the early cheap swim too, barely anybody there too. But a little cold, the ocean a few days ago didn't see all that much colder.

I continue to be exasperated at HR for screwing up my severance package and then being only vaguely interested in trying to correct the problem. I need to start yelling soon. And hey, I nearly thought about EdSched today too for a few seconds. Nah, not really.

Sold my spare bike yesterday. Took about 5 minutes of work, that was way easier than I thought it might be. A little sad, that bike had been lots of places with me, the Hebrides and more. Although the frame had recently been completely replaced. What's the spiritual limit of a bike? If you replace the frame, is it the same bike What part of you can be slightly sad and which part already mourned the passing when the bike broke a year ago? Although, the poor dear had to deal with being second best after I got my lovely Condor. At least now it can be loved again as it should be.

Anyways, planning is coming along. I might have found my perfect backpack, which will be my home for about 4 months or so while travelling. Certainly the emerald green one. It was fun wandering around the store, wearing lots of different packs, 10 kg of sand in there to give a simulation of life on the road. Funny how seeing your luggage can make the whole journey a little more real.

Nearly have the Russia and Mongolia trains booked, just waiting for one last quote and change. C went off to the Mongolian embassy today to get her visa, I don't need one, US citizens get in free.

Hmm, now off to plan China, how do the trains and buses go through Gullin, what to do in Kumming for a week, and so much more to look into.
The intended journey so far


Dorah said...

What is this EdSched you speak of?!? Good one.

Good to see US citizens still have some perks.

PS the soul of a bike lives in the frame.

Dorah said...

What is this EdSched you speak of?!? Good one.

Hey - did they give you too much money?

Good to see US Citizens still have some pull over there :-]

PS the soul of a bike lives in the frame

Mothlight said...

EdSched, don't know what that is. Lots of vague memories in there that I can't quite place.

Not too much money, but about half of what it should have been. Oops, you mean you have worked there 8 years, not 4?

I guess I have to accept that my old bike was a stranger to me for those last few months. But the new person seems happy with it, so that's good.